
  • Streamline Your Deployment: Automate with GitHub Actions

    This guide will walk you through how I use GitHub Actions to automate deployment with my team, saving time and streamlining our project deployment.

  • Github is down for over 30 minutes now.

    GitHub Down: A Collection of Hilarious Reactions GitHub’s recent outage has sparked a flurry of humorous and insightful comments from developers and tech enthusiasts alike. Here’s a roundup of the funniest and most intriguing reactions from Hacker News: The outage has certainly been a reminder of how deeply integrated GitHub is in the developer workflow…

  • How to download the Audio from ChatGPT

    I a using a free version of ChatGPT and was curious as to how I can download the audio file generated. I have created a bookmarklet which allows you to download this file. All you need to do is Don’t click the following button just drag it to your bookmarks. This is a bookmarklet.