Duplicate Page WP Plugin

The Problem

In the world of WordPress, there’s one common issue that has been irking website creators for far too long—duplicating pages. As of WordPress’s core features, there is no straightforward way to duplicate a page, and manually copying all the content is a time-consuming and tedious task.

The Solution

Introducing the Duplicate Page Button, a game-changer that simplifies the process of duplicating pages directly from your page listings. Gone are the days of struggling with copying and pasting content. Now, with a single click, you can effortlessly clone your pages. Isn’t that cool?


Take a sneak peek at what the Duplicate Page Button has to offer:

Duplicate Button in Action

See how seamlessly you can duplicate any page in WordPress. It’s all about saving time and increasing your productivity.

Download the Plugin

Ready to streamline your page duplication process? Click below to download the Duplicate Page Button plugin now!

Download the Plugin

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is the plugin heavy and will it slow down the performance of my website?
A. No, the Duplicate Page Button is incredibly lightweight. It won’t impact the speed or performance of your website. We’ve optimized it to ensure a smooth experience.

Q. Is the plugin free?
A. Yes, you read it right! The Duplicate Page Button is 100% free to use. Download it and start using it on your website without any cost.

If you have more questions or need assistance, feel free to get in touch with us. We’re here to make your WordPress experience smoother and more efficient.