My Bio: Personal and Professional Journey

Personal Background

On this page:

Where You Were Born and Raised

I was born and raised in the vibrant city of New Delhi, India, a place where tradition meets modernity and where my journey began.

Significant Experiences That Shaped My Life

My love affair with programming started in a high school informatics class. The moment I wrote my first line of code, I was hooked. It’s been 24 years since then, and programming has become my creative outlet, a way to challenge myself and find satisfaction in solving complex problems.

During some challenging times in my life, I found myself questioning everything, including my faith. It was during these moments of sadness and depression that I felt a divine nudge. I started reading the Bible, and through the teachings of Jesus, I discovered hope and a renewed sense of purpose. This spiritual journey has been a struggle at times, but it has brought profound meaning to my life.

Family and Influences

I am blessed with a wonderful family. My wife, Preeti, and our 3-year-old son, David, are my greatest joys. Watching David grow and discover the world is an incredible experience. He is an amazing kid, and every day with him is a new adventure.

Key People or Events That Influence My Personal and Professional Growth

The internet is a vast ocean of knowledge, and I’ve been fortunate to learn from countless individuals who share their wisdom and experiences online. Continuous learning is my mantra, and I’m constantly inspired by the innovative work of others.

Education and Interests

I had the privilege of studying at St. Columba’s School in New Delhi, where I laid the foundation for my academic and professional journey.

Early Interests or Hobbies That You Pursued

As a child, I was passionate about sketching and drawing, often losing myself in the world of art. I also loved tinkering with electronics—motors, batteries, and LED lights were my favorite toys, sparking a lifelong fascination with how things work.

Journey to Your Current Profession

Computers captivated me from an early age. In high school, I excelled in computer science, often helping my friends with their projects. After completing my A-Levels in computers, I landed a job working on a C-based billing system. This role allowed me to self-teach Apache, PHP, MySQL, CSS, and HTML, setting the stage for my career as a developer and designer.

Personal Traits and Characteristics

Creativity, problem-solving, and attention to detail are the hallmarks of my professional persona. I love to experiment and infuse an artistic touch into everything I do. My meticulous nature drives me to pursue perfection in every project, ensuring the highest quality in my work.

Life Outside Work

Outside of my professional life, I have a rich tapestry of interests. I enjoy painting, reading, and most importantly, spending quality time with my family. Watching movies on Netflix is one of my favorite ways to unwind. I also have a passion for designing furniture and organizing my home, blending functionality with aesthetics to create a harmonious living space.