
  • How to write articles faster?

    Tip 1 : Write More. Write Daily. Practice Translates to Speed. Writing helps in Vocabulary Expansion & Maintenance and it with daily practice it makes it easier for your to translate an Idea to Words. Writing daily has some great benefits Your Ideas get improved exponentially. Writing in the form of Journal helps you gain…

  • PHP Function for Generating Random Number & Random Digits placeholder.

    While developing a SMS sending Tool, we wanted to provide the developers to use placeholders such as. {{random_number_7}} or {{random_string_8}}When these placeholders will be used in the bulk SMS sending program they will be replaced by a random number of 7 digits and random string of 8 digits respectively. Behind the scene we had to…

  • How to Automate Backup for PHP & MySQL Project on Google Drive.

    Taking backups is a way of ensuring that if your computer crashes you won’t lose hours of valuable work. I have a habit of building rapid prototypes and project of hundreds of ideas and I usually do not get time to take their backups on a regular bases. Considering the current situation when the Corona…