
  • Zip only specific extensions on Linux/Debian

    Case Requirement: I wanted to download only the PHP files in the existing folder structure leaving all the images, js and other folders. Zip Command Zip command to Download PHP and HTML Files.

  • Debian 10 Buster, Installing LAMP and PHPMyAdmin

    Writing this guide to help anyone who would like to install LAMP Debian 10 with MySQL (not maria DB). I found great help on the internet and I would be using articles. I tried to use Tasksel for some reason it just did not work. It would have been wonderful to install everything from a…

  • Finding the heaviest files or folders in Debian.

    Keeping the server clean is quite an activity and for me where my companies DNA is to create SAAS based platforms. Users are responsible for most of the uploads. I needed a quickly find out which folders or files are taking most of the space on our server and I found the following command. Basically…