
  • Adobe After Effects, Hide/Show layer and Shy Layers to manage the layers better.

    I am beginner at learning after effects and after learning the basics about animation and shapes layer I found that very quickly layers to many very quickly. One think that helped me in managing them better is to hide layers which I am not working with and showing only the ones which are important. Two…

  • In Cinema 4D how can I scale my object only on the on 1 axis , currently it scales universally.

    It can be solved by just shifting from Model mode to object mode. See the Video.

  • Ultimate Guide to Blocking countries by IP

    Why would you block a country by using IP’s? One of the most common reason to block a particular IP on the website is due to SPAM and Hacking attacks. This is a problem is growing and seriously effects the performance of the website. But is it true that certain countries are responsible for these…