
  • An easy method to write Blocks in WordPress (for Patterns)

    What needs to be achieved? Short Answer 😊 Building and Saving new patterns is difficult if your are building complex structures. Long answer (TLDR) 🥱 I am building a Tailwind Theme and want to style some pre-saved blocks into my theme. Now the process of creating these it to create a Nested Structure with the…

  • Snake & Ladders Multiplayer Game.

    I build a multi player game of the classic “Snake & Ladders”, the game can be played between 1 or more remote players. Technologies Used. Vue JS Tailwind CSS for Styling. for Real Time communication.

  • Removing all the Default Theme Javascript and CSS from a WordPress Template.

    Why? Case : Using a VueJS Application in a WordPress Plugin and Theme CSS is Clashing. There are some default CSS/JS which are included in every page + there is the Theme CSS which is also included on every page. I did not required any for it to work on my page. Since you are…