
  • Label Design for Daniel’s Secret, Pickle & Chutney Products

    Tools Used :Inkscape.

  • Am I Hopeful about Delhi? Parking, Illegal Constructions, Cleanliness.

    Growing population, Growing ProblemsDelhi is great for me in so many ways, a city where i was born and raised here, and spent all my entire life here until now. But the city has many growing concerns because the population is growing day by day. Work in progress everywhere.Driving through congested areas towards office me…

  • How to use multiple canvas for Paper JS on a single page?

    We can use PaperScope to achieve this. The following is a simple example. I am currently building a complex application which includes drawing architectural layouts. And I need to make multiple canvases to be working in VueJS loops. Please comment and let me know if anyone has good Ideas about how I can make that…