
  • How to make a Bootstrap Menu active in a Single Page Website

    Usually on an active menu we apply a slightly different style. Like look at the bootstrap example below. Notice how the font color of home is slightly darker than the rest of the menus, indicating how it is an active menu.

  • Paper JS : Drawing Rectangle with independent Rounded Corners.

    Paper JS support Rounded Rectangles but it applies it to all corners. In my project I require rounded corners to be applied only to selected corners. Like as shown below. After searching hours on the official document and searching internet for solutions I decided to create a function myself.

  • Keeping wordpress Clean

    WordPress is a amazing software and one of the most liked CMS in the world. And I particularly appreciate its ability to be extended. And at the right time it has upgraded itself to become a better editor. But there is one thing which I both love and hate about the wordpress. With a plethora…