
  • Gutenberg and Pods shortcode.

    WordPress Pods pretty well supports the Gutenberg editor inside the custom types but when you want to use the ShortCodes to inside the pages when Gutenberg editor you don’t have a way to create them through wizard. After searching the Pods documentation I found that they are building a bock for Gutenberg which started 11…

  • Why starting early is good.

    Not always everything is planned. And even when things are planned we might miss important things. So it’s good to keep a time buffer. Time buffer gives spaced out time to your mind to remember and focus on details which cannot be captured in a plan.

  • Being Organized.

    When you are not organized in thought and action you tend to lose and lot of things in life. Such as time. It’s like when you are preparing for an exam. If you do not know how much time it should take you to complete the course material you will are more likely not to…