Category: PHP
PHP Function for Generating Random Number & Random Digits placeholder.
While developing a SMS sending Tool, we wanted to provide the developers to use placeholders such as. {{random_number_7}} or {{random_string_8}}When these placeholders will be used in the bulk SMS sending program they will be replaced by a random number of 7 digits and random string of 8 digits respectively. Behind the scene we had to…
How to Automate Backup for PHP & MySQL Project on Google Drive.
Taking backups is a way of ensuring that if your computer crashes you won’t lose hours of valuable work. I have a habit of building rapid prototypes and project of hundreds of ideas and I usually do not get time to take their backups on a regular bases. Considering the current situation when the Corona…
Image Optimization in PHP
Why should I care about Image Optimization? Faster loading page is what we all need, this is the reason why we use google search. It simply loads faster than any other search engine. Web-pages contain images and images are one of the components which contribute most to the size of any webpage. More heavy the…
How to duplicate a tree-like nested structure in Database
What do I mean by a nested tree-like structure? I simply mean that each node either has a parent_id as 0 which means it is a tree node. Or the node is a child of another node such in which parent id is the id of an existing node. This is a basic pattern to…
Pagination & Search in PHP
Introduction One of the most common things that we do on any application in php is to display records from database. When these records are large we show them in pages and also add a numbering at the bottom to add navigation.
How Email Verification works on Registration in PHP
Users can register using any Email on any website. But all the websites verify these emails by sending an email with an activation link. What happens exactly behind the scene is quite simple.
Making Pear:Mail Package to work on Xampp
Are you receiving an error when you are trying to send mail through PHP using Pear Mail module. Similar to how it is shown below.
How to insert data into a MySQL table in PHP
Super Basics of PHP & MySQL of how to create a form that will store the data into a MySQL Table.