Author: Shishir Raven
Snake & Ladders Multiplayer Game.
I build a multi player game of the classic “Snake & Ladders”, the game can be played between 1 or more remote players. Technologies Used. Vue JS Tailwind CSS for Styling. for Real Time communication.
Removing all the Default Theme Javascript and CSS from a WordPress Template.
Why? Case : Using a VueJS Application in a WordPress Plugin and Theme CSS is Clashing. There are some default CSS/JS which are included in every page + there is the Theme CSS which is also included on every page. I did not required any for it to work on my page. Since you are…
Hosting VueJS Project on Github Pages
Hosting a VueJS project is pretty straight forward but I faced problem with VueJS Routing. First of all it did not work out of the box. I had to change the base path in the config file. I added the base URL to the vite config file. I added the base also to the router…
Finally Microsoft has build the feature that I was looking for. It’s Focus Sessions.
Well I am a fan of pomodoro technique and its a wonderful thing. So I was always looking for a countdown timer that could run on the Windows and could appear on top of the all the windows. Did some searches on the internet and could not find a suitable free match. But to my…
Ideas worth pursuing
Introduction In today’s world, there are countless ideas floating around and it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are worth pursuing. The concept of an “idea worth pursuing” can mean different things to different people, but in general, it refers to an idea that has the potential to bring value or make a positive…
How to Speed up Project Development with a .bat file.
Well every developer might be facing the same process when they open up their laptops every day. Like opening the project, opening the Project Management Website, opening the code folder etc, etc. Here are some ready to use commands that can help you Automate the process. Opening the Project Folder in VS Code through a…
How to avoid node_modules folder in Zip.
Just as I started coding on an exciting note taking app I realized that if my laptop crashed I would lose all the hard work I have put into coding thousands of lines. I had not taken the backup in a while so I stopped the work and uploaded a zip to Google Drive. But…
Automatically extracting price from
This post illustrates how you can extract price from or using puppeteer.This project uses Node.JS and puppeteer library to do the extractions. Extracting Prices from and outputting to console.
Custom Post Type returning only posts belonging to the Author in WordPress REST API
Add the following to your plugin code. Replace ‘goals’ with your content type name. About this solution. The great part about this is that you don’t need to create any custom endpoints to show only the related posts to the author. Can apply very easily for any CUSTOM Posts. Possible Scenarios where can you use…
Adding Sortable to a List in VueJS 3 in 3 Simple steps.
Step 1. Install Step 2 : Import and add as component Step 2 : Use it as follows to create a Loop. Note: Don’t replace “element” with the model name. I was making this mistake and it took me a while that it has to remain as element name only. How to use a…
Fastest way to use ⚡ Vite + Vue 3 + Tailwind CSS ✔
This starter template includes: Vite 3 Vue 3 Tailwind CSS 3 Vue Router Getting Started Run the following inside your new project folder. npx degit shishirraven/vue_tailwind_starter_template npm i npm run dev npm run build npm run serve Vue 3 + Vite This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The…
Setting Predefined names for JS chunks on VueJS Build.
What is hash and why is it add it to the files while you build the project. Whenever we are generating project building a project automatically in the JS folder and which are included in the main index file have a hash attached to it. Hash is nothing but a kind of random string which…
How to use Bootstrap SASS with VueJS.
Bootstrap and why it so Good and should I use it with Vue? Bootstrap is a great CSS framework and has been dominating the CSS scene. The primary reason why bootstrap has been a great framework is the ability that it provides to not only designers but also to the developers to build UI faster.…
Enabling Filters for Meta Fields in the WordPress Rest API.
WordPress has been an excellent platform and as of now it is gaining popularity as a headless CMS. And I too have chosen to keep WordPress as a headless CMS. And why not WordPress has lots of great features and a very active development community. I mean no software is perfect and the best next…
WordPress REST API. Sorting/Orderby for custom meta fields in WordPress and fixing “Invalid parameter(s): orderby”
Why? By default in WordPress you can only use the valid fields which are specified by each post type. Read more on WordPresss REST API documentation. This post is useful to you if you might be receiving an error as following. code “rest_invalid_param” message “Invalid parameter(s): orderby” How can you check which fields are available…
Firebase Authentication for a VueJS project.
Firebase Authentication is a service that allows us to authenticate users with ease. In this article, we’ll learn how to use it in a VueJS application. If you need to register or sign in the users of your app, Firebase provides us with an easy way of doing so. Firebase Authentication provides authentication with Facebook,…
Multiple Dividing a Path/Shape into multiple parts in PaperJS. Solution.
Problem. I had a shape, say a paper.js Circle that I wanted to divide into multiple parts, based on cut marks. Cut marks are basically lines which overlap the shape. The following is an example. Once I split the shapes they should look like the following.
How to Draw an Ellipsis inside a Quadrilateral with 4 points in Paper JS.
To draw a Ellipsis in Paper.js is quite simple and straightforward. You do not need to write a script to that. Problem But in my recent project I faced a situation where I had to draw a ellipsis kind of shape within 4 points (In my case they form a Rectangle.) The problem with the…
WordPress Bulk Delete All comments
Why I need the Bulk Delete option? A few months back I launched a WordPress Website and today when I visited it I saw that my blog has 10,326 Comments. I knew the moment when I saw it that this is all spam. Why the existing Bulk Delete option in WordPress Sucks? Alternate solution. The…
Crowdsourcing, what it is, types, benefits and how you can use it.
What is Crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing is extremely powerful in accessing Intelligence, talent and cumulative power of many for your project or problem The word Crowdsourcing originates from A mixture of “crowd” and “outsourcing,” and was coined in 2006. It can be said that it is a way of using crowds as a source for various things…