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  • How to download the Audio from ChatGPT

    I a using a free version of ChatGPT and was curious as to how I can download the audio file generated. I have created a bookmarklet which allows you to download this file. All you need to do is Don’t click the following button just drag it to your bookmarks. This is a bookmarklet.

  • How to see the SQL Queries being executed in WordPress REST API

    You can add the following filter and you will see the queries in the Response Header.

  • Anticipate. Don’t Improvise.

    Quote from the movie The Killer(2023) “Anticipate, don’t improvise” is a guiding principle that suggests the importance of foresight and preparation in various aspects of life, decision-making, and problem-solving. Here’s a breakdown of the key ideas behind this phrase: Applying this principle can be beneficial in various contexts, such as business, project management, personal development,…

  • How I am building Email Notifications through Google API

    Those who are following my blog might already know that I am building a Backup solution for my team and particularly Kishan who take backup and is spending around 30-60 minutes into this. ????. Building BackupPro has been so much fun since I have heavily used ChatGPT to help me build the code and has…

  • New Features for Backup Pro.

    I am working on a MySQL backup solution to Google Drive for my team who daily spends some time talking backup of our data critical projects. the Idea is to create an Free Open Source PHP based solution that we can setup easily. You can know more about it in this blog post. List of…

  • Automating MySQL Backup to Google Drive: Simplify and Secure Your Data! Free & Open source.

    Are you tired of spending precious time manually backing up your MySQL databases every day? Do you find it challenging to keep up with regular backups while ensuring data integrity? Look no further! In this article, I’ll introduce you to an incredible solution that will revolutionize your backup process and give you peace of mind.…