Multiple Dividing a Path/Shape into multiple parts in PaperJS. Solution.


I had a shape, say a paper.js Circle that I wanted to divide into multiple parts, based on cut marks. Cut marks are basically lines which overlap the shape.

The following is an example.

Once I split the shapes they should look like the following.

I searched for a solution in the paperJS to find out a decent solution which could help me do this slicing and I found that divide function from PaperJS can get the task done, but for multiple cuts I would have to create a function.

So as a solution I present that following code which I used to solve this problem.

var myCircle = new Path.Circle(new Point(300, 300), 200);
myCircle.fillColor = 'yellow';
myCircle.strokeColor = 'black';

function splitShape(shape,path)
    var partsGroup = new Group();
    // Looping all the Shapes. 
    for(var i=0; i<path.children.length; i++)
        // Dividing the Path Multiple Times. 
        var tempParts = Array();
        for (var x = 0; x < partsGroup.children.length; x++) {
        if (path.children[i].intersects(partsGroup.children[x])) {
            var result = partsGroup.children[x].divide(path.children[i], { insert: false, stroke: false, trace: false });
            var clone = result.clone();
            var group = new Group();
            for (var s = 0; s < group.children.length; s++) {
        else {
        } // end for
        for(var y=0; y<tempParts.length;y++)
    } // end for
    return partsGroup;

var path = new CompoundPath({
    children: [
        new Path.Line([100, 50], [600, 600]),
        new Path.Line([300, 50], [800, 600])
    fillColor: 'black',
    selected: true,

var partsGroup = splitShape(myCircle,path)

// Code to Move the Pieces Apart. 
 for (var x = 0; x < partsGroup.children.length; x++) {
     partsGroup.children[x].position = partsGroup.children[x].position + [-10*x,20*x] 