Steps to Build a Tailwinds Theme for WordPress

What are you going to Learn ?

  • πŸ’‘ How to Setup Tailwind for WordPress Theme.
  • πŸ’‘ How to Create WP Homepage Template with Tailwinds.
  • πŸ’‘ How to Create WP Menu Walker with Tailwind CSS for Header Menu
  • πŸ’‘ How to use Prose for Article Content.

Why should we use Tailwind CSS for WordPress

Tailwind CSS is an excellent CSS Utility library and since I have started using it I could never go back to Bootstrap CSS Framework.

The top Reasons why I love Tailwind CSS.

When I first used Bootstrap CSS and many years later, it remained the #1 library that I used in all my projects. But it has some drawbacks that Tailwind resolved and hence prefer Tailwind now.

😒 All Sites look very Similar with Bootstrap.
😒 Overriding CSS to make the Components look different is Tricky.
😒 Lot’s of Unused CSS for Components that I don’t use is Included on Simple Projects.
😒 Small Tweaks required on few instances still require to Write and Add CSS.

😊 Tailwind is super flexible in terms of Design, it is a utility first framework.
😊 You can customize your CSS in-place by just replacing or adding CSS Classes.
😊 ✨Clean CSS – Don’t need to add custom classes for almost 99% of changes. So no Custom-CSS no bad approaches possible.
😊 Non-Bloated and ⚑Lighting Fast – Only the CSS that is required in generated in production.

How to Setup Tailwind for WordPress Theme.

We would be using to create our starter theme.

All you need to do is –

  2. Type the theme name you want
  3. hit “Generate.”

Once you generate the theme you can keep the Starter theme into you WordPress Folder.