Category: Uncategorized
SQL lite caching with WASM on web.
I am not happy with the speed of navigation between the pages on VueJS projects. This performance difference I notice when I switch to API’ to fetch data. The difference is in micro seconds but. There still that’s a lot in terms of responsiveness that can change the whole user experience. To fix this some…
Creating a Square Video in OBS.
Go to OBS > Settings > Video. Why would you need a Square Video. Have you ever needed a specific aspect ratio for your videos, like a perfect square or a tall, portrait-style video? Whether you’re embedding a video on a website or preparing content for social media, OBS Studio allows you to easily create…
Streamline Your Deployment: Automate with GitHub Actions
This guide will walk you through how I use GitHub Actions to automate deployment with my team, saving time and streamlining our project deployment.
Github is down for over 30 minutes now.
GitHub Down: A Collection of Hilarious Reactions GitHub’s recent outage has sparked a flurry of humorous and insightful comments from developers and tech enthusiasts alike. Here’s a roundup of the funniest and most intriguing reactions from Hacker News: The outage has certainly been a reminder of how deeply integrated GitHub is in the developer workflow…
How to download the Audio from ChatGPT
I a using a free version of ChatGPT and was curious as to how I can download the audio file generated. I have created a bookmarklet which allows you to download this file. All you need to do is Don’t click the following button just drag it to your bookmarks. This is a bookmarklet.
How I am building Email Notifications through Google API
Those who are following my blog might already know that I am building a Backup solution for my team and particularly Kishan who take backup and is spending around 30-60 minutes into this. ????. Building BackupPro has been so much fun since I have heavily used ChatGPT to help me build the code and has…
New Features for Backup Pro.
I am working on a MySQL backup solution to Google Drive for my team who daily spends some time talking backup of our data critical projects. the Idea is to create an Free Open Source PHP based solution that we can setup easily. You can know more about it in this blog post. List of…
Adding Support to Blocks.
The following is the link to Add Support to the Blocks.
Custom Field Block for WordPress.
The WordPress Query Block is an efficient and quick way to display dynamic data on any page. It provides a visual interface for designing and showcasing content with various layouts and pagination. However, when it comes to Custom Post Types (CPTs) with Custom Fields, there is no official block available to display the associated meta…
Using WordPress Base URL in JavaScript
Problem In certain situations, there is a need to access the base URL of a WordPress site in JavaScript. However, once the JavaScript file is built, it becomes challenging to modify it. When WordPress is installed and mapped to the root of the domain, it is relatively easier to start the URL with /. However,…
Creating Block Template from Copied Block Content.
Problem. In my previous post I explained on how I used Existing blocks in my custom WordPress Blocks in a nested way. And how I use it using a template which is passed to the inner Blocks of how it is recommended in WordPress Documentation. A related problem is how can I build a Array…
WordPress Sidebar Nested Menu with Tailwind CSS
Demo : Multi Level Menu. Building the Menu Structure in the Backend. 1. Go to Menus — WordPress 2. Click on Menus 3. Click on create a new menu 4. Type “Demo Menu” 5. Click on save_menu 6. Check Sample Menus 10. Click on add-post-type-menu-item 11. Drag highlighted element to form Sub-tiem 14. Click on…
Steps to Build a Tailwinds Theme for WordPress
What are you going to Learn ? Why should we use Tailwind CSS for WordPress Tailwind CSS is an excellent CSS Utility library and since I have started using it I could never go back to Bootstrap CSS Framework. The top Reasons why I love Tailwind CSS. When I first used Bootstrap CSS and many…
Finally Microsoft has build the feature that I was looking for. It’s Focus Sessions.
Well I am a fan of pomodoro technique and its a wonderful thing. So I was always looking for a countdown timer that could run on the Windows and could appear on top of the all the windows. Did some searches on the internet and could not find a suitable free match. But to my…
How to Speed up Project Development with a .bat file.
Well every developer might be facing the same process when they open up their laptops every day. Like opening the project, opening the Project Management Website, opening the code folder etc, etc. Here are some ready to use commands that can help you Automate the process. Opening the Project Folder in VS Code through a…
How to avoid node_modules folder in Zip.
Just as I started coding on an exciting note taking app I realized that if my laptop crashed I would lose all the hard work I have put into coding thousands of lines. I had not taken the backup in a while so I stopped the work and uploaded a zip to Google Drive. But…
Crowdsourcing, what it is, types, benefits and how you can use it.
What is Crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing is extremely powerful in accessing Intelligence, talent and cumulative power of many for your project or problem The word Crowdsourcing originates from A mixture of “crowd” and “outsourcing,” and was coined in 2006. It can be said that it is a way of using crowds as a source for various things…
How to write articles faster?
Tip 1 : Write More. Write Daily. Practice Translates to Speed. Writing helps in Vocabulary Expansion & Maintenance and it with daily practice it makes it easier for your to translate an Idea to Words. Writing daily has some great benefits Your Ideas get improved exponentially. Writing in the form of Journal helps you gain…
How to access your localhost from Anywhere
I develop a lot of things for the web. And when you do so you do not code live you usually develop on your localhost and then you have to upload it online so that you can give a demo to your client (or show progress to your boss). To avoid of hassles of uploading…